SocialAds Spotted in the Wild?

November 2, 2007

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Mashable reader Mike sends us the first sighting of what looks to be Facebook’s SocialAds in the wild. Earlier in October, we picked up on reports that invitations were going out to companies invited to the launch event scheduled for November 6. Industry insiders say that the information about Facebook users’ relationships, under the SocialAds framework, could be used to target those users both on and off the site, similar to AdWords, but likely with behavioral marketing overtones.

According to Mike, the ads were spotted “on the left column of one of the group pages on Facebook.” He sent us establishing screenshots as well as source code proving these came from Facebook. The color scheme in the source matches, and a close examination of the HTML source code appears to match the design conventions of Facebook.


He also said that in the context of the site, the ads seemed unobtrusively placed, though one has to wonder at either what sort of group page Mike visited, or at the quality of the pattern matching algorithms in play behind the scenes. These particular ads seem very run of the mill spam style advertisements.


Then again, the pitch from Facebook has yet to have been made to the general public, and these could have been just scraped from the bottom of Microsoft’s ad-serving barrel as placeholders.

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