Is your life lacking some much needed direction?
Things to do before you die. Goals to accomplish by the years end. People you'd like to meet, places to visit. Most everyone has a list of things they'd like to accomplish-- ambitions, goals, and dreams they want to follow through with. But what happens? Dreams fall to the wayside, life gets in the way so to speak. Somehow you've managed none of your goals, or perhaps you really hadn't any in the first place.
those may help you.
MoveMoutains helps you achieve your goals. The site basically acts as a life coach, but you don't need pay for their services. It’s actually free. |
eLifeList is a social network centered around goals, or as the site creators call them Life Lists. This is essentially an inventory of things you want to accomplish during your lifetime |

This goal-oriented site brings together a community of similarly minded people whose aim is to help each other accomplish their aspirations and thus live their lives to the fullest. Members of the site can join in on preset goals and they can search for pals who want to achieve the same things. There’s a whole community at work here, so you’ll never feel alone.
Optimost offers more experience across a wider range of industries than anyone else in the field. That experience is not only in their technology, but also in their professional services, which encompass everything from test planning and design all the way through implementation and data analysis.
This site will help you keep track of all your goals. Once you've registered simply jot down your goals (quick description, title) and the date by which you'd like to accomplish them.
LifeTango lets you make the most of your life by helping you create a Life List. Can't think of anything? Let the brainstorming wizard take over. Browse other people's goals
SuperViva is a site which can help you make that happen. Basically, you make a list of all your life goals, whether they be tiny minutiae, or lifelong tasks. Of course, if you haven’t got any ideas on your own you can take a tour of other people’s life lists and get inspired from there; check out the idea inventory and the idea lists.
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