For an IPTV service whose chat options had been questioned by some, you may be glad to know that Joost has chosen Meebo as the provider of its chat tool, which will come complete with most of its bells and whistles. Is anyone wondering why Skype seems to be the odd man out, or is that a moot point?
The partnership essentially combines Joost’s full-length delivery with Meebo’s group chat rooms. This ties into meebo’s most recent release of its developers platform, which looks to integrate with more third-party applications for live interaction with others. Chatting while watching TV is a good place to start. The platform on which these two operate could open a lot of doors, for both Meebo and Joost, depending on what types of integration they’ll look towards in the future.
Whether advertising from Joost’s partners could be implemented across Meebo chat rooms, or if Joost content could become readily available for launch directly from a meebo chat room, the potential for a lucrative advertising revenue-sharing model is definitely evident.
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